Stephan Hachinger and Mohamad Hayek (both from LRZ) presented LEXIS at High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2022 conference (HPCSE) in Beskydy Mountains, The Czech Republic. Stephan Hachinger gave a talk on the integration of HPC and Data Management in context of Environemental Computing. One important focus point of the talk was the LEXIS project, where Federated Big Data Management is exactly combined with HPC and Cloud Computing within unified workflows. Mohamad Hayek presented the LEXIS approach for HPC-Cloud-BigData workflows and research data management at his poster. During the 4 conference days, the experts were discussing topics in high-performance computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence or applied mathematics.
The international conference hosted over 80 participants who were engaged by 12 invited speakers from 6 countries, Carten Burstedde, Daniele Cesarini,Tarek El-Ghazawi, Radek Fučík, Stephan Hachinger, Tomáš Karásek, Andreas Lintermann, Aamir Saeed Malik, Matthias Möller, Petr Strakoš, Josef Šivic, and Marco Zank.
Among 30 research projects presented, the LEXIS Platform caught attention of many attendees. More info about the conference here: hpcse.it4i.cz/HPCSE22.