EAB Members: Dr. Alan Sill

Alan Sill holds positions at Texas Tech as Managing Director of the High PerformanceComputing Center, Adjunct Professor of Physics. He is also a Co-Director of Cloud and Automatic Computing Centre (CAC). Dr. Sill holds a PhD in particle physics from American University and has an extensive track record of work in scientific computing. He has published extensively in topics spanning cloud and grid computing, scientific computing, particle and nuclear physics, cosmic ray physics and radioisotope analysis.
He serves as President of the Open Grid Forum, an international computing standards organization. He is an active member of the IEEE Standards Organization, DMTF, and other computing standards working groups, and serves either directly or as liaison for the Open Grid Forum on several national and international standards roadmap committees. He has helped to launch several large-scale cloud and grid computing projects, including the Open Science Grid (OSG), the Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Grid, Southeastern Universities Research Association SURAgrid, and Texas Internet Grid for Research and Education (TIGRE). In addition, he has served as general chair, program committee chair, or principal organizer for several different international conferences including the IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) and Big Data Computing, Applications, and Technologies (BDCAT) and IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), as well as the ongoing set of workshops on Data Center Automation, Analytics, and Control (DAAC) held at the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (Supercomputing) conference series.
Dr. Sill is a past member of the editorial board for IEEE Cloud Computing and current member of the advisory boards for the StandICTinternational standards coordination project and several other EU-funded projects. Further biographical information for Dr. Sill is available on EDUCAUSE.