
Development of the main LEXIS Project outcome continues. Check LEXIS Platform v2.0 documentation.


Orchestration Layer

The orchestration layer is responsible for dispatching workflows’ tasks and jobs within the LEXIS infrastructural layer. To this end, the orchestration layer receive a description of the workflow (TOSCA file format) to run, and uses a set of internal policies to select the set of resources where to execute the tasks and jobs associated to the workflow. The orchestration layer is based on a Atos-provided solution named YSTIA, which has two main building blocks: an orchestration service (Yorc) and a front-end interface (Alien4Cloud). This latter offers also capability to model user applications in TOSCA. Managing HPC jobs is done through the integration of a plug-in module (HEAppE), which also provides, due to security reason, a solution for accessing HPC resources on IT4Innovations and LRZ infrastructures. The orchestration layer exposes the front-end interface as part of the LEXIS portal, as well as it relies on the other two key LEXIS layers, i.e., the  LEXIS infrastructure layer and the The LEXIS Data Management layer. It also relies on the functionalities of the authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) to access resources and data for which the user has the rights.

Key components of the LEXIS orchestration layer

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IT4Innovations, VSB - Technical University of OstravaAtos / BullFondazione LINKS / Istituto Superiore Mario Boella ISMBEiffage TESEOCommissariat a l Energie Aatomique et aux Energies AlternativesLeibniz Rechenzentrum der BAdW / Bayerische Akademie der WissenschaftenEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsAssociazione ITHACACentro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale - Fondazione CIMAGE Avio SRLHelmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutschesgeoforshungszentrum GFZAlfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Zentrum fur Polar und MeeresforschungHigh performance computing (HPC)Cyclops Labs GMBHBAYNCORE Labs LTDNumtechNational University of Irleand Galway / Irish Centre for High-End Computing EURAXENT / Marc Derquennes
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